Mountain #3: Mt. Hood Hogsback Ascent

Date: June 26/27th, 2023

Distance: Approximately 6 miles round trip

Elevation gain: Approximately 4500 feet

Start/Finish: Timberline Lodge

Duration: Approximately 10 hours


Park at Timberline Lodge, fill out self-issue wilderness permit, climbers’ info gear/safety list, pick up blue bag, check the forecast, know the route and proceed with caution!

Mt. Hood:

Having summited Mt. Hood on 7 other occasions, this trip was not about the destination, but instead the journey. It was my very good friend’s birthday and he wanted to climb Mt. Hood. With dozens of Mt. Hood summits under his belt, he was beyond capable of climbing the Mountain, but we had a few newbies in our group and he was counting on me to help get them the Hogsback safely. I also had my dogs in tow, and a summit was pretty much 100% out of the question, so volunteering to lead the “slow crew” was by no means the draw of a short stick! Getting the newbies and the dogs to the Hogsback seemed like a reasonable enough goal, and a big accomplishment on it’s own! Our crew of 7 people and 2 dogs departed Timberline Lodge around 10:00 on a beautiful early summer evening. Since it was still one of the longest days of the year, we were able to enjoy the post-sunset ambient light for a little while before having to put on our headlamps.

Sunset on Hood

We followed the climber’s trail up the soft, walkable snow to the top of the Palmer ski run, where we finally put on our crampons. From here we walked to the top of the Triangle Moraine, paying close attention to the VERY steep dropoff along the East side of the Moraine. Above the Triangle Moraine on our journey to Crater Rock the snow was insanely sun-cupped, more sun-cupped up high than I have ever seen it before! Although I was traveling with ice axe in hand, ready to self-arrest if needed, the sun cups were so deep that I couldn’t help but think that if any of us had fallen, we would quickly be stopped from going anywhere by the abrupt hug of a sun cup! After such a heavy winter/spring snowfall, the window of opportunity for summiting Mt. Hood seemed to be coming to an abrupt end! By the time our slow/newbie/fur-creature crew reached the Hogsback, most of the later starting guided groups had passed us, and the Birthday guy and 2 other humans were well on their way to the summit!

Hogsback photo op!

They took the standard low route across the hot rocks, and ultimately chose the Mazama chute for their final pitch toward the top. Those of us on the Hogsback were well equipped to hang out until the rest of our Birthday crew descended from the summit.

Fumerole near Crater Rock

Contmplating the Fumerole

However, after chilling out for an hour or so, the temperature dip that happened just before sunrise prompted a near mutiny and our crew of slow newbs descended back down below Crater Rock where we waited in warmer temps, out of the potential path of harm’s way, until the rest of our friends caught up to us.

Watching our friends descend below Crater Rock

Snacks are my favorite

We sang Happy Birthday, I handed out homemade mini pecan pies, and we all headed down together. Unfortunately the size of the sun cups made it pretty much impossible to glissade down without feeling like we were trying to tame a wild bull, so we chose to walk down, taking our crampons off just after we passed by Illumination Rock.


We returned to the Timberline Lodge parking lot around 8:30 AM, where we were all taken a bit aback by the livelihood of the ski resort! The hustle and bustle of the ski lessons, training camps and general summertime activity was a stark contrast to the solitude and darkness we experienced just 10 hours prior! Still, we relaxed in the parking lot in our flip-flops and shorts eating snacks and gazing up at the beautiful Mountain we had just descended, feeling a sense of accomplishment for our whole group!  Among us we had one first time summiter, 2 humans who achieved their first Hogsback trip, one dog who completed her first Hogsback climb and one dog who accomplished his third! As Birthday week rolled on, some of us had one more Mountain to climb, Mt. Adams!


Patagonia Cap Air Hoody

Rab Borealis Hoody

Goodr Sunglasses, Sunscreen (SPF 60), 

Awesome Territory Run Company Mountain Shop custom hat 

Lip balm with SPF 30

Mountaineering boots, ice axe, crampons, and helmet

10 emergency essentials (map, compass, whistle, knife, signal mirror, etc.)


CLICK HERE to continue to the last chapter of this 4-mountain journey: Mount Adams summit!