Looking for your next adventure in the Pacific Northwest? Climb for Clean Air is a mountaineering program taking private groups up Mt. Rainier, Mt. Baker or Mt. Hood in support of the American Lung Association. No experience necessary as most of the climbers will be new to this journey. Team training hikes will help you prepare for your climb, gear discounts for rentals or purchased items on your gear list, and education discussions on how to use your energy efficiently on the mountain are all included. This program has been around for over 30 years and has raised over $5 million to support the American Lung Association’s mission to fight lung disease and promote lung health. Last year, 80% of our climbers make it to the top of these magnificent mountain tops because we do this as a team. We have fun, support one another and do it safely with our profession guide partners at RMI. Come learn more about the climbs from our past climbers and volunteers, grab a beer and have some fun!
Climbs will be in June, July and August of 2019. We will start our season with a kick off party at the end of February and our team training begins after that. A fundraising page is created for you through our website and you will be supported to hit your goals 100% from the American Lung Association staff and our group of amazing volunteers. Let’s do this!