Thinking about climbing Denali? How about summiting twice in one trip?! Mountain Shop Ambassador (and classic over-achiever, sorry Matt!) Matt Zavortink climbed both the standard route, the West Buttress, and a technical mixed route, Cassin Ridge in the same trip! If you missed Matt's presentation here at the shop on 7/26/22, you can still learn more about the sufferfest that is climbing North America’s highest peak!


Watch the 14 Minute Video

Watch Matt's video footage of the actual climb posted on our YouTube Channel! The video takes you from the initial flight to Kahiltna Glacier all the way through both climbs!

View Presentation Slides

See Matt's slides for advice on gear, training, and more to help you plan your own trip!

Follow Matt on Insta

To keep up with more of his adventures, follow Matt Zavortink @zavortink on instagram and feel free to reach out to him with any questions about his presentation or about climbing Denali in general.

Learn More About Matt and our Ambassador Team