Come hang with Mountain Shop at the Diamond Mill Aid Station on Saturday October 2nd for both the 25k and 50k Elk Kings Trail Races to serve up some stoke to these tired runners! We will break down the aid station after the course sweeper comes through and return the items to the race finish. This is the 3rd aid station for the 25K and the 2nd and 6th aid station for the 50K. Aid station theme will be winter sports so feel free to don ski boots, holiday sweaters, goggles, ear muffs, and whatever other ridiculously wintery things you can think of! 

We will meet at the Smith Homestead in Tillamook, OR 97141 at 7:35am to pick up aid station supplies (1.5 hrs from Portland) and then drive 10 minutes to the Diamond Mill aid station to be setup for the first runner.

Directions to the Smith Homestead:

1.     Take Highway 26 West

2.     Veer left onto Highway 6 – toward Banks/Tillamook

3.     Turn right onto Jones Creek Road (3/4 mile before the Tillamook Forest Center)

4.     Turn right into day use parking lotDirections to aid station:

1.     From the Smith Homestead, turn right to go north on the Jones Creek Road.

2.     Veer to the right at the Y and go approximately 1.2 miles and veer right at the Y to enter the Diamond Mill parking area – a large OHV parking lot.

3.     After entering the parking lot, proceed to the to the very northeast corner of the parking lot and locate the trail from the parking lot to the Wilson River Trail.  You can see the bridge from the parking lot (see attached picture showing view of bridge from parking lot).  The aid station will be set up on the flat area next to the picnic table adjacent to the bridge next to the Wilson River Trail (see overview image of Diamond Mill parking area and location of aid station)