Meet Landon Lim. Landon just graduated high school and has been rocking it in our rental department all winter and spring long! You may have met him when stopping by to take out gear for a recent trip yourself. Landon just set out to tackle his own version of a Mt. Hood Infinity Loop on Friday, June 21st. We are blown away at how impressive his solo feat was! Here’s his mini trip report:

“The route started at Cloud Cap Saddle campground, climbed up Cooper Spur to the summit, took the Timberline Trail back to Cloud Cap Saddle camp, up Cooper Spur again, and finally taking the other side of the Timberline Trail back to Cloud Cap Saddle. I accomplished it solo and self supported in a single 32 hour push. Cooper Spur was very rocky, icy, and out of season. The trail was mostly clear, with about a quarter of it covered in snow. Everything went really well and I encourage others to try it for themselves. This season I wouldn't go up it again, as Cooper Spur was much more technical than it is normally."

Read my full trip report here:…/102887-tr-mt-hood-infinity-l…/